River City Delivers Books

 In Florida, Uncategorized

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The River City Pioneers went to Woodland Acres Elementary and gave each child and teacher in the entire school one or two brand new, beautiful books to use in the classroom and bring home to keep.
Woodland Acres is a Title 1 school and many of the children are from low income families. Sadly, some of these children have never owned a book before.
The River City Pioneers receive these new books from First Book free of charge however we have to pay between $.35-$.65 shipping for each book. Rather than giving used books, which can be found at discounted prices, the council chose to give the new books, “because we are able to give an entire class (and grade for that matter) the same new books. This allows the teachers and reading coaches to use these books when teaching the children,” says Jan Wise. Some of the books retail for over $20 on Amazon so paying for shipping only is a great deal

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